Chicane steward workparty


Water-harvesting, traffic-calming chicane clean up party - this Saturday, August 10 at 8am. Meet at the intersection of 9th Ave and 1st Street. Bring water, pruning shears, and gloves.

We will work together to spruce up some of our streets' chicanes and circles. Brad Lancaster will show you how to identify the plants we want to keep (native wildflowers, native grasses, and good trees) and the plants we want to take out (weeds, invasive grasses, weed trees). We'll also show you how to prune and replant. We can also help provide new plants where needed.

Help others and we can then help you clean up a traffic circle or chicane near your home. We are looking to identify neighborhood stewards to take care of each chicane and circle in the neighborhood. Let us know if you'd like to be a steward of one. Then we'll help you out. That's the goal as we better our neighborhood for everyone. The more of us who step up to help the better it gets as we strengthen our community.

See you Saturday!
- Brad Lancaster