1st Annual Dunbar/Spring Neighborhood Curb Coring
To direct street runoff to street-side tree basins for free irrigation and flood control
The week of January 16, 2017 Dunbar/Spring Neighborhood Foresters will work with the City of Tucson and a local contractor to cut 4-inch diameter curb core holes through the street curb to direct street runoff to existing street-side tree basins in the Dunbar/Spring Neighborhood.
Would you like curb core(s) for trees and basins in the public right-of-way adjoining your property? If so, you must already have water-harvesting basins in place, and agree to maintain the basins, the trees, and a continuous minimum 5-foot wide pedestrian pathway (pruned clear to a minimum height of 7 feet).
If you do not have such basins, we can help you make them in our neighborhood’s next Annual Rain and Tree Planting in the fall of 2017, which will be followed up with the 2nd Annual Neighborhood Curb Coring.
Curb coring costs are $30 per core hole (this is a reduced price thanks to the volume discount we are getting from the contractor).
Permit fees are a $50 curb-coring permit fee, and a $74 barricade fee per curb-coring address. However, we can reduce this fee for neighbors getting curb cores and sharing the same street and block, because in that instance the permit fees will be per curb-coring street/block, since that length of street will be counted as the address. So get your neighbors involved!
You can also get half of these costs rebated if you apply for the city’s rainwater-harvesting rebate program.
To sign up for curb coring, contact us by January 1, 2017.
Contact neighborhood foresters Omar Ore-Giron at 520-425-9795, or Brad Lancaster at brad@harvestingrainwater.com.
We will then help you with the permitting process, marking all underground utilities, and coordinating the work with the contractor.
You can also contact us to become one of our neighborhood’s volunteer foresters, and/or to make a donation to our forestry effort.