October 2015

Minutes Date

ATTENDEES: Sky Jacobs, Karen Greene, Keith Bagwell (Pima County), Ezra Roati, Matt Blair, Brandon Blair, Sergio Camou, Lisa Scoblink, Rhonda Rawson, Bob Sebring, Victor Lopez

& Introductions: The meeting was started at 7:05 p.m.

Treasurer's Report: No treasurer’s report, amount in reserve ramains the same


City of Tucson Environmental Services Department question and answer. Several questions including regarding free dumpsters for the neighborhood.

Re-development of building at 601 N Stone. Planning stages currently, Cirrus Visual will be using IID (Infill Incentive District), redeveloping building into offices for design, marketing, and printing company, won't be complete until next year - more info here.

Creation of W1NA nonprofit. Dunbar/Spring to join in the effort and participate in creation and running of Ward 1 nonprofit, spend $50-$100 to help fund creation of non-proifit (paperwork, filing, etc.). Vote unanimous in support of motion. 

Committee Reports

  1. DNARC
  2. Downtown Links
  3. Neighborhood Garden
  4. Dunbar Coalition

Adjurn at ~8:15 PM