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Traffic Calming

Traffic circles, chicanes, and speed humps

The Dunbar/Spring neighborhood in Tucson, Arizona has transformed excessively wide, hot, exposed streets with speeding cut-through traffic and solar oven-like, barren walkways to comparative oases with road-narrowing, traffic-calming, water-harvesting, green infrastructure and path-/road-side rain gardens growing a native food forest of sheltering multi-use plants indigenous to the Tucson Basin…
By Brad Lancaster A bare beginning When I moved to the Dunbar/Spring neighborhood in 1994 much of it was not a pleasant place to walk. Most of the public right-of-way (the area between the street curb and property lines/fences) was just hot, bare dirt devoid of shade trees and other life. There were few sidewalks, but thankfully there was plenty of room for earthen footpaths. Yet many people…
Invite your friends and family to a fun-filled event to showcase our neighborhood to the greater Tucson community!  More information on our Facebook page here: and on the event page here:
(Recommended reading section - pages 20-23) From October 2013 through May 2014, Living Streets Alliance conducted a Neighborhood Walkability Assessment Program in five neighborhoods. The Program was informed by participant feedback and lessons learned from the pilot phase of the program (February to April 2013). Through the Neighborhood Walkability Assessments, LSA engaged residents in thinking…
Requesting a "road diet" on Main Ave.
Design plan for Dunbar/Spring reinvestment funding - primarily traffic circles and chicanes.
After a long, but productive process the Dunbar/Spring Neighborhood, working with many entities including the Pima County and the City of Tucson, has finished putting in extensive water harvesting infrastructure, native vegetation, traffic circles, chicanes, neighborhood art, and more.We celebrated completion of the project on Saturday morning, braving cold and rain. Thank you to everyone who…
The celebration will take place at the Dunbar/Spring Community Garden at the corner of 11th Ave and University Blvd.There will be food and refreshments provided and several leaders will speak.Special thanks to the following organizations who helped bring these improvement to the Dunbar/Spring Neighborhood:Supervisor Richard Elias, District 5, Pima County Board of SupervisorsVice-Mayor Regina…